Do Nurses Need a Degree?
Since 2013, nurses need a degree in order to qualify and be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)- the Nursing governing body. This applies to all the 4 fields of Nursing (adult, children, mental health, or learning disability).
Why do Nurses need a degree?
According to the Government Health Minister, the aim of training all nurses to degree level is to increase skills and train a medical workforce capable of operating in a more analytical and independent manner, which is required in the healthcare service in the 21st century.
Many countries in Europe and around the world already train their Nurses to degree level, so will bring the UK in line.
In order to be a Nurse, the person will also need to demonstrate:
• High level of literacy and numeracy.
Nursing also requires a high level of technical competence and clinical decision-making skills.
• Complete a health questionnaire and identify any special needs related to a disability.

• Declare any past criminal convictions.
• Allow the university to check whether you have a police record. You will not automatically be barred if you have a criminal conviction or caution. The university will take into account the circumstances and will treat any information in the strictest of confidence.
• If you’re already working as a health care assistant, speak to your employer as they may support you to meet the entrance requirements through an apprentice scheme.